Orthodontics goes beyond the aesthetics—it's a transformative journey for your dental health, functionality, and overall self-confidence

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we pride ourselves on providing world-class orthodontic care, with a special emphasis on the revolutionary Invisalign system. Utilising cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art resources, we craft smiles that radiate confidence and significantly enhance your oral health and quality of life.

Dive into a transformative experience and let your radiant smile mirror the health behind it. Ready to begin? Book a consultation with us today.

Benefits of Orthodontics at Dr Pierre Dentistry

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we merge cutting-edge technology with unparalleled expertise, ensuring that the benefits you reap are multifaceted and enduring. Dive in and explore how our orthodontic treatments can reshape your teeth, confidence, and overall oral health.

High-Quality Orthodontic Services

Dr Pierre Dentistry guarantees industry-standard quality and reliability in all orthodontic procedures with a team of registered and specialised orthodontists approved by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

Services for All Ages

Offering treatments suitable for both children and adults, we address orthodontic concerns at every life stage with precision and care.

Innovation at Its Best

Staying abreast with the latest developments in the orthodontic industry, we incorporate advanced technology, including Intraoral 3D scanners, 3D treatment simulation, and premium clear aligners like Invisalign, ensuring you receive cutting-edge care.

Affordable and Accessible

Our pricing is affordable and accompanied by flexible payment plans to ease your journey towards a perfect smile.

Ready to embark on a smile transformation that resonates with brilliance? Let Dr Pierre Dentistry be your guiding light in this orthodontic voyage. Discover the plethora of benefits waiting just for you. Secure your brighter, aligned future today – book your consultation with us!

Why Choose Dr Pierre Dentistry for Orthodontics

In the ever-evolving world of orthodontics, the right choice can make all the difference. Dive deeper to understand what distinguishes Dr Pierre Dentistry’s orthodontic approach class.
Unveil the distinct advantages that await you. Make the best choice for your smile – contact Dr Pierre Dentistry and schedule your personalised consultation with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions About Orthodontics

Depending on the case’s complexity, orthodontic treatments typically range between 12 to 24 months. However, Invisalign treatments usually require a shorter timeframe.

Our goal is to help our patients achieve straight teeth in the least amount of time possible while also providing them with the best possible results. We understand that each patient is unique, and we strive to find the minimum treatment time for each individual patient.

Generally speaking, orthodontic treatment is most suitable for children aged 12 or 13 and above but can benefit younger children in certain circumstances. At Dr Pierre Dentistry, our specialist orthodontist is here to help patients of all ages and can provide a tailored individual treatment plan for each patient.

We understand the confusion around treatment decisions and the importance of quality treatment, so we offer a variety of orthodontic treatments that can be discussed during the initial consultation.

Our experienced orthodontic practice is dedicated to providing the highest level of care and will ensure patients receive the best quality treatment and results. We are here to help you achieve a beautiful smile and look forward to helping you make the best decisions for your orthodontic journey.

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we provide comprehensive post-treatment follow-up for all our orthodontic patients. Our team of highly experienced professionals are dedicated to ensuring the longevity of your healthy smiles.

Our post-treatment follow-up typically includes regular check-ups to monitor crooked teeth’ stability and ensure that any dental treatments needed are effective. At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we provide a wide range of post-treatment follow-up services to ensure that our patients have beautiful smiles for years to come:

  • Treatment of extra teeth: We can remove any extra teeth and fill in gaps between teeth to achieve a straighter smile.
  • Treatment of infected tooth pulps: We can treat any infected tooth pulps and maintain healthy teeth.
  • Treatment of tooth discolouration: We can help whiten teeth and remove any discolouration to give you the best, lovely smile.

With all these measures in place, we ensure you will have a confident smile that will last for years to come.

Although orthodontic treatment can be beneficial in achieving a healthy smile, it is essential to wear retainers afterwards to ensure the stability of your teeth.

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we understand that orthodontic treatment can be stressful for some patients. That is why we take the time to provide excellent care and support for our anxious patients to achieve a beautiful smile and be confident in their new, healthier smile.

Generally, transitioning from traditional braces to Invisalign is possible with Dr Pierre Dentistry at Edgecliff, depending on the stage of your current treatment and orthodontic needs.

This specialist centre provides a friendly, confident environment for patients to discuss their orthodontic needs with an expert team of specialists. The practice locations are conveniently located, and the specialist team is well-equipped to assess each patient’s individual needs to determine if transitioning to Invisalign is the optimal solution.

With Dr Pierre Dentistry at Edgecliff, patients can be sure that they are in the hands of a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible service.

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, pain or discomfort during orthodontic procedures is effectively managed through the use of advanced techniques and technologies. We prioritise your comfort and strive to make the process as comfortable and pain-free as possible.

Our approach includes:

  • Utilising Invisalign, which is custom-fitted to your teeth for maximum comfort.
  • Offering guidance on managing mild discomfort when adjusting to new aligners or retainers.
  • Prescribing over-the-counter pain relievers should you experience any pain during your treatment.

We are committed to providing the highest quality care and service to ensure your orthodontic experience is as comfortable as possible. Our team of experts will be available to offer advice and support should there be any concerns during your treatment process.

Dentist Edgecliff

Unveil Your Invisible Transformation

At Dr Pierre Dentistry, we craft individualised orthodontic treatment plans that are as unique as your smile, ensuring personalised care and attention.